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Web Summit 2024


I’d like to take this opportunity to share my personal journey with the Web Summit, as it has been a key element in my development, both professionally and personally, over the past seven years.

A Story of Growth Through the Web Summit

The First Time

In 2018, I attended my first Web Summit as a volunteer. At the time, I was a professional chef. Having struggled through earlier attempts at university in economics and computer science, professional cooking was my pathway from boy to man.

While I loved cooking, I had always had an interest in programming but lacked the clear path to pursue it after the earlier failed attempts at university. That all changed during the Web Summit. As a volunteer, I met another volunteer who introduced me to Le Wagon’s full-stack developer bootcamp, which was local and much more affordable than other international options I had seen, suggested to me by my brother who had met a bootcamp director as one of the tourists in his guided tours.

This conversation was a turning point, and I committed to making the leap into programming the following year.


In 2019, I returned as a volunteer, but this time I was also a student at Le Wagon.

I was in the midst of the bootcamp during the Summit, and I had managed to infect my brother with the Web Summit bug — he joined me as a volunteer that year. We both immersed ourselves in the energy of the event, meeting countless people, and expanding our networks.

That year solidified my transition from chef to developer.


By 2020, I had fully shifted careers and was living in Brussels, working as a developer.

I attended the Web Summit again as a volunteer, alongside my brother. The networking and connections I made at the event continued to fuel my growth and inspired me to keep progressing in my career.


In 2021, I applied to the Developer Program for the first time.

By this point, my GitHub was well-established, thanks to the work I had done in my career. I received two tickets through the program and brought a former colleague from culinary school, who was equally impressed by the entrepreneurial spirit at the Web Summit.

Around that time, I was also preparing to try to join the newly opened 42 School in Lisbon in the first batch of students of its inception. The 42 School is a project-based programming school with no teachers or classrooms, which complemented the entrepreneurial spirit of the Web Summit.

The connections I made at the Web Summit helped me navigate my role as a lead developer responsible for hiring.


By 2022, I had become a VP of Engineering, still attending the Web Summit as part of the Developer Program, now my fifth event.

I invited another friend, who had caught the Web Summit spirit and was beginning to explore his own entrepreneurial ventures. His experience at the Web Summit left a lasting impression, and he's now working on starting his own company.

At this point, I had fully integrated into the 42 School community, with many student colleagues attending the Web Summit alongside me, all deeply inspired by the event.


In 2023, I returned again as part of the Developer Program, now working as a developer at a new company and a graduate of the core curriculum at 42 Lisbon. That year, I was in the process of transferring to the 42 School in Brussels to facilitate my evaluations.

Though there was only one ticket for the Developer Program, I was able to secure an additional ticket for an entrepreneurial friend from Belgium. He caught the bug with his first Web Summit experience that year and has since attempted the intensive entry bootcamp at the 42 School in Brussels, called the "piscine."

We also connected with a top student from the 42 School, and the event has become a key moment for us to build and consolidate relationships. We also reconnected all together with my former Le Wagon bootcamp teachers and the entrepreneurial friend from the year before, the compounding effects of networking at play.

2024 Baby!

This year, my entrepreneurial friend from 2022 secured a ticket, and he is more excited than ever to attend the Web Summit to fuel his business ventures.

My Belgian friend from last year is equally keen, having immersed himself further into the ecosystem. Together with my brother, we formed a business venture, bringing together the entrepreneurial spirit fostered by the Web Summit.

For us, the Web Summit is not just an event but a pivotal moment in our year where we recharge, connect, and push our projects forward.

Each year, the Web Summit has punctuated my journey of growth and expansion in the tech industry. It has been a constant where I connect with old friends, meet new collaborators, and explore new opportunities.

From my transition out of the professional kitchen to becoming a VP of Engineering, to now running my own ventures with partners I met along the way, the Web Summit has been an indispensable part of that story.

Thank you for your time and for reading about my journey. I look forward to continuing my involvement with the Web Summit community and hope that my story reflects the value this event brings, not only to me but to so many others like me.

See you at the Web Summit 2024!